Allianz Capital Partners

We believe that alternative equity investments can offer attractive opportunities that allow us to create sustainable value for our clients as well as society.

As a leading investor and trusted partner in alternative assets, Allianz Capital Partners (ACP) manages alternative equity investments on behalf of Allianz insurance companies and further institutional investors. 

Key investment areas

Our investment focus is on private equity, infrastructure and renewable energy.

Due to their long investment horizon and attractive risk/return potential, these alternative investments are an good match for the long-term liability requirements of both Allianz insurance companies and institutional investors alike.

We believe that Private Equity is a growing and attractive asset class for institutional investors that seek to create long-term value.

With its active management approach as well as ample opportunities for diversification, we are convinced that the asset class can hold its long-term appeal, even in troubled times.
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We believe that changes in the infrastructure market, structural shifts in various sectors and investment backlogs are opening up a wide range of opportunities for institutional investors to generate long-term returns.

With that in mind, we offer investors access to these attractive investment opportunities.

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3 mock-ups of a wind turbine on a table

Investments in wind and solar projects can offer an attractive annual income stream at an acceptable risk-return profile. We see advantages in their predictable, long-term cash yields in comparison to alternative investments with similar risk, a large and growing investment universe and no correlation with capital markets, providing excellent possibilities for portfolio diversification.

ACP has been dedicated to renewables since 2005 and is one of the world's largest financial investors in this asset class. We focus strongly on operational excellence in our operating portfolio and continue to make incremental capital investments in our asset base if the long-term value is enhanced.

For more information on alternative investments with Allianz Capital Partners, please get in touch.
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