Your Multi Asset tool, Swiss style!
Solutions for Swiss investors

Allianz Global Investors have been making use of their comprehensive Multi Asset expertise in order to offer first-class investment solutions for more than 70 years. Our global strategies, combined with extensive local knowledge from Switzerland, enable us to combine regional expertise with global opportunities.

'We are confident that individual Multi Asset class investment solutions which combine specialised asset management skills with flexible, needs-oriented, optimised investment solutions form the basis for generating long-term added value for our customers.'

'You can't build a house with only one tool.'

In times of increased volatility, capital investment becomes increasingly complex. Often a single tool is not enough to meet all the challenges. Our Multi Asset approach, which is geared towards the needs of Swiss customers, offers the flexibility and adaptability to respond to different market situations. By strategically combining different asset classes, we can lay a sturdy foundation for taking advantage of opportunities and being prepared to meet challenges.

  • Being a global player allows Allianz Global Investors to combine a broad network with in-depth expertise in a variety of asset classes, making us the ideal partner for customised investment solutions.

  • Our fundamentally-oriented investment process provides the basis for our Multi Asset portfolios. The process combines active asset allocation across a broad range of asset classes with an active selection of securities within the asset classes.

  • Our Multi Asset portfolios offer wide diversification which goes far beyond the traditional asset classes. By specifically including alternative assets such as private markets, we open up new prospects. These asset types make it possible to provide a cushion against market cycles, and to profit from sources of revenue that are less heavily correlated to these.

  • Our Zurich-based investment team focus their extensive knowledge of local and global markets on devising individual investment solutions to meet the needs of institutional customers in Switzerland.

  • Our Multi Asset portfolios are designed to manage our clients needs... by making focused use of our many years of investment expertise – whether you are an institutional or a private investor.

Focus on our experienced Multi Asset team

René Küffer
René Küffer

Head of Multi Asset Switzerland
Fabio Fulgeri
Fabio Fulgeri

Senior Portfolio Manager Multi Asset Switzerland
Patrik Schulz
Patrik Schulz

Senior Portfolio Manager Multi Asset Switzerland
Eric Güler
Eric Güler

Head of BD Institutional Switzerland

Gregor M.A. Hirt

Gregor M.A. Hirt, Global CIO Multi Asset, comments:
'We are delighted that we have gained a Multi Asset team with such a level of expertise in the Swiss market for Allianz Global Investors. Based on my own experience, I am well aware that the Multi Asset solutions favoured by Swiss customers who are looking at asset allocation are frequently biased towards their home. For this reason, solutions established in the Euro zone often do not meet their needs. René Küffer and his team are familiar with the specific local requirements, and are the ideal fit for developing the key Swiss Multi-Asset solutions market segment for Allianz Global Inverstors.'

Michael Schütze

Michael Schütze, Country Head Switzerland, adds:
'Switzerland is a growth market for Allianz Global Investors. In this country, Allianz Global Investors operates with not just a Customer Services Team, but also Portfolio Managers. With this new business, we are aiming our offerings even more strongly towards local needs, which highlights the importance that Allianz Global Investors attaches to the Swiss market. We firmly believe that, in a highly-competitive environment, albeit one in which recently the competition is also more concentrated, we can create value for our customers with our Multi-Asset solutions.'

Investing involves risk. The value of an investment and the income from it may fall as well as rise and investors might not get back the full amount invested. Investing in fixed income instruments may expose investors to various risks, including but not limited to creditworthiness, interest rate, liquidity and restricted flexibility risks. Changes to the economic environment and market conditions may affect these risks, resulting in an adverse effect to the value of the investment. During periods of rising nominal interest rates, the values of fixed income instruments (including positions with respect to short-term fixed income instruments) are generally expected to decline. Conversely, during periods of declining interest rates, the values of these instruments are generally expected to rise. Liquidity risk may possibly delay or prevent account withdrawals or redemptions. Past performance does not predict future returns. If the currency in which the past performance is displayed differs from the currency of the country in which the investor resides, then the investor should be aware that due to the exchange rate fluctuations the performance shown may be higher or lower if converted into the investor’s local currency. The views and opinions expressed herein, which are subject to change without notice, are those of the issuer companies at the time of publication. The data used is derived from various sources, and assumed to be correct and reliable at the time of publication. The conditions of any underlying offer or contract that may have been, or will be, made or concluded, shall prevail. This is a marketing communication issued by Allianz Global Investors (Schweiz) AG, a 100% subsidiary of Allianz Global Investors GmbH. The Summary of Investor Rights is available in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish at The duplication, publication, or transmission of the contents, irrespective of the form, is not permitted; except for the case of explicit permission by Allianz Global Investors GmbH.

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