Thematic Investing



This video illustrates how Allianz Global Investors is investing in the way the world is changing. Thematic funds serve the large market of investors who have forward-looking convictions and want to identify longer-term growth opportunities. Themes are best characterised as powerful and secular shifts, triggered by innovation or regulation, a narrowing supply-demand situation or socio-economic factors. Thematic funds aim to identify the winning themes impacted by these shifts and to allow investors to participate in them.


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© 2018 Allianz Global Investors

Active is: Investing in companies that can help reduce healthcare costs

Health Tech: Helping to reduce healthcare costs



Today we live in a world where immediacy is an expectation not a luxury. Immediacy in healthcare has the potential to save lives as early diagnoses of an illness, or a rapid response to a critical situation, can be the difference between life and death. Healthcare technology not only saves us time but also potentially extends our time. As a result, companies developing technology in this space have huge growth opportunities.

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