Infrastructure Debt and ESG: the importance of strategic prioritisation
Infrastructure debt stands out due to its usually low risk profile and positive ESG impact. But for institutional investors, it can be worthwhile to invest in infrastructure projects with potentially higher ESG risks.
Infrastructure debt investment generally
presents a low risk profile in terms of ESG
(environmental, social and corporate
governance) factors and often exhibits
positive-ESG-impact features. The highly
structured characteristics of Infrastructure
debt – covenants conferring some
degree of control of their investments
by debt investors post-investment –
makes strategic segmentation of
sub-sectors by ESG risk meaningful,
and provides mechanisms for positive
engagement if investors choose to
invest in infrastructure with higher ESG
risk potential.
As “sustainability” becomes a core
requirement for investors there is a
danger that a ‘box-checking’ culture
develops. A clear strategy focuses
finite ESG engagement capacity in those
areas where ESG risk is greatest, but
also where the potential positive impact
of marginal sustainable investment is
Without an efficient strategic risk
assessment framework, there is production
of large volumes of low-value data and
inconsequential commentary about
inherently low-ESG-risk investments. This
adds unnecessary costs to investment
management – ultimately borne by
At worst, a failure to focus ESG efforts in
areas where ESG returns are greatest
distracts managers and investors from
positive engagement where such
engagement is needed. In extremis it
may lead to ‘ESG protectionism’ – the
theory being that emerging markets or
challenging sectors such as energy
generation can be avoided entirely. Not
only does such an approach increase
investment risk for investors because of
reduced diversification, it also fails to
recognise that whatever the risks of
investment in more ESG-challenging
sectors, the “do-nothing” option is often
the worst option from an ESG perspective.
Questions of environmental impact
need to be looked at in context and not
in absolute terms. While air pollution in
densely populated western cities where
there is a high penetration of petrol and
diesel-burning vehicles is of concern, the
areas of the world where life expectancy is
most adversely impacted by air pollution
remain emerging markets, where burning
of fossil fuels or animal waste within
homes to generate heat is a far greater risk
to health. In such circumstances migration
to any modern energy source would be
likely to have a positive impact, whether it
is renewable energy or traditional energy
ESG strengths are generally reflected
in higher credit ratings and lower cost
of debt. These parameters inform
infrastructure project debt, because
infrastructure projects will benefit in
terms of their own rating and pricing
from having well-rated counterparties.
Infrastructure debt benefits from
additional features not seen in general
fixed income, which may address ESG:
1/ The terms of infrastructure debt
normally prescribe the purpose for which
funding is to be used e.g. to build a new
road or a wind-farm.
2/ Infrastructure issuers are typically
subject to additional tiers of governance
not seen in most general fixed income
issuer businesses, either via law or
3/ The covenants of infrastructure debt
typically go beyond financial matters (e.g.
leverage restrictions) into how the issuer
performs its business.
An example of a low ESG risk project
financing would be the construction of a
university accommodation project in
partnership with a University in a mature
democracy such as the UK.
The EU provides a mature legal and
regulatory system, including strict
environmental laws, employment rights
for workers, anti-discrimination laws,
strict anti-money laundering regulations,
robust Health & Safety rules – particularly
relevant to the construction phase, but
applicable throughout the life of the
Beyond ESG risk defensive features,
university growth represents a positive
impact investment – increasing life
chances of students, and enabling
research and economic development.
A medium-risk project would be a new
road in a middle income country. A road
has the potential to impact the local
environment, but it may also relieve worse
pollution and congestion elsewhere e.g.
a by-pass of a city should improve quality
of life within the city.
For a medium-risk project a short-form
summary of ESG risks and mitigants will
be considered as part of the general risks
and mitigants review prior to investment.
An example of a higher-risk project could
include thermal electricity generation in
an emerging market country. To date all
of our emerging market infrastructure
investment has been in partnership with
IFIs with a track record of managing such
risks. For example, AllianzGI established
one of the first IFC (International Finance
Corporation) partnership funds, through
which AllianzGI investors invest in IFCoriginated
and managed loans.
When co-investing with IFIs, our initial
due diligence establishes the adequacy of
their ESG policies and procedures, rather
than repeating the exercise for every single
investment. For unforeseen situations we
retain participation-veto rights.
At AllianzGI we first assess the ESG risk
profile of a potential issuer based on
fundamental context, and rate them low,
medium or high.
For low-ESG-risk project debt issuance,
compliance with general law, issuerspecific
regulations and counterparty
contract terms represents an indirect
comprehensive suite of ESG assurance.
This can be very cost-effectively policed by
the inclusion of market standard finance
contract covenants and typical sanctions
for any breach of such covenants – equity
distribution block for minor breaches until
remedied, enforcement and acceleration
for major breach. A specific ESG review
is typically only required for higher-risk
When projects are in mature democracies,
themselves subject to international
agreements on environmental goals, it is
questionable that a debt financier “knows
best” on questions of public policy, or even
how best to achieve a given ESG goal.
However, such questions of public policy
in a mature democracy with international
obligations should, in our view, be left to
the elected governments of mature
countries, and investors should focus on
the creditworthiness of the asset being
financed within the regulatory or
contractual framework, established by
the government in furtherance of the
Investors who take ESG seriously have the opportunity to diversify their fixed income portfolios by allocating assets to infrastructure debt,
safe in the knowledge that the fundamentals of the sector permit responsible investment. Moreover, the covenant structures of the
underlying transactions allow active managers to behave as responsible stewards by enforcing compliance with best practice as required
under the laws and regulations of advanced democracies, whose electorate are concerned about the environment and sustainability1.
Adrian Jones, Director, Infrastructure Debt, Allianz Global Investors |
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