Video: Artificial Intelligence in the world of today and tomorrow



More efficient industrial production, safer living or better healthcare – Artificial Intelligence is changing the world in which we live. What was regarded as science fiction just a few years ago is now reality. Our video above shows how Artificial Intelligence is becoming an everyday part of our lives, one that we take for granted.

Investing involves risk. The value of an investment and the income from it may fall as well as rise and investors might not get back the full amount invested. Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence is a sub-fund of Allianz Global Investors Fund SICAV, an open-ended investment company with variable share capital organised under the laws of Luxembourg. The value of the shares which belong to the Share Classes of the Sub-Fund that are denominated in the base currency may be subject to an increased volatility. The volatility of other Share Classes may be different. The volatility of other Share Classes may be different. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. If the currency in which the past performance is displayed differs from the currency of the country in which the investor resides, then the investor should be aware that due to the exchange rate fluctuations the performance shown may be higher or lower if converted into the investor’s local currency.

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For a free copy of the sales prospectus, incorporation documents, daily fund prices, key investor information, latest annual and semi-annual financial reports, contact the management company Allianz Global Investors GmbH in the fund's country of domicile, Luxembourg, the Swiss funds' representative and paying agent BNP Paribas Securities Services, Paris, Zurich branch, Selnaustrasse 16, CH-8002 Zürich or the editor either electronically or by mail at the given address. Please read these documents, which are solely binding, carefully before investing. Fund prices updated on a daily basis can be found at: This is a marketing communication issued by Allianz Global Investors (Schweiz) AG, a 100% subsidiary of Allianz Global Investors GmbH, licensed by FINMA ( for distribution and by OAKBV (Oberaufsichtskommission berufliche Vorsorge) for asset management related to occupational pensions. This communication has not been prepared in accordance with legal requirements designed to ensure the impartiality of investment (strategy) recommendations and is not subject to any prohibition on dealing before publication of such recommendations. The duplication, publication, or transmission of the contents, irrespective of the form, is not permitted.

Rising tide

Rising tide


Why clean-water investing is poised for a huge wave of growth and how you can ride it.

Allianz Global Investors

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